Long Range Transportation Plan 2050

The Kankakee Area Transportation Study (KATS) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is currently developing a new edition of the Long Range Transportation Plan. The KATS LRTP was last updated in 2020.


This is the first survey for the LRTP update. This survey is a short traditional format survey which we hope will be easy to use for everyone.

Please follow the link below to complete the survey.



The objective of this plan is to guide future decisions regarding the development of roadway/bridge, pedestrian and transit in the region.

The Kankakee Area Transportation Study (KATS) is the designated transportation planning agency for the Kankakee Urbanized Area. By federal law, when an urbanized area reaches a population of more than50,000 individuals, as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau, a metropolitan planning organization is required to be established. KATS has been fulfilling federal metropolitan transportation planning requirements since the 1980s.

The Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act (IIJA) is the current federal surface transportation legislation. The law continues the cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive (3-C) planning process and is the framework for metropolitan transportation planning. The IIJA carries forward a number of key provisions from the previous highway bills, Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) and Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP21), including performance-based planning requirements, fiscal constraint, and public involvement. MAP21 marked a significant change by establishing a performance-based policy and programming framework for the federal-aid program that focuses on infrastructure condition and the use of performance measures and targets to guide transportation system decisions and monitoring system performance. Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures provides a detailed overview of the FAST Act performance based planning process.


The KATS MPO network will promote safe travel for all users and improve the community by encouraging trips of all modes through connectivity.

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